28 April 2012

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Supreme Court quashes Reservation based promotion for socially backward classes (SC/ST) in the Uttar Pradesh state

 Supreme Court quashes  Reservation  based promotion for socially backward classes (SC/ST) in the Uttar Pradesh state

On Friday Supreme Court of India quashed the reservation based promotion for socially backward classes (SC/ST) in the Uttar Pradesh State.

The Supreme Court has quashed the rule 8A and also quashed the reservation in promotion.

This means that now on promotion will take place on the basis of seniority.
the promotion will be given according to the seniority list.

In year 2008 The order of providing consequential promotion to SC/ST persons was issued by Mayawati.

After that several writ petitions were filed in the High Court
In 2011, the Allahabad High Court had quashed  the policy.

Then  Mayawati Government filed appeal in the Supreme Court of India.

Now The Supreme Court has quashed the rule 8A and also quashed the reservation in promotion.

The decision of the SC is excellent as once you are in a one company everyone is getting same treatment , same salary then there is no need to give promotion using reservation.

Suggested Reading –

India – Reservation policy – The Problem and Solution


Reality views by sm –

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tags – Reservation SC ST Promotion Quashed


Baur April 28, 2012  

Interesting wonder how it will turn out

Pradeep April 29, 2012  

Being from a Schedules Caste, I hail the decision of Supreme Court. Reservation is a tool to uplift the economic condition of deprived section of the society, however, it has been dangerously politicized by one and all party. Once a person joins an Organisation as an employee, there is no need to provide further reservation. If, any member of the SC/STs feel they are not adequately represented at the top of the organisation, there remain other ways to work it out, but certainly reservation is not the way out.

prakhar April 30, 2012  

every indian hate to reservation behalf the caste,but the reservation in your temple,y not close this,reservation in all top post,school,college,medical,eng.politics...etc.everywhere the reservation of savarn is already by unchi-jaat,money n power,why not close this type of reserve-curruption.Today all school fills the caulem of caste n religion..y?If u want to close the chapter of reservation ,then firstly totaly shutdown the door of this reservation...means out this castism from india......similerty can not come in india with this CASTE system.....similerty is our fundamental right....dont try to quashed it....

Anonymous,  May 03, 2012  

How painful is to see a junior getting 4 promotions and senior not a single during the same duration ? All political parties should understand this issue. No objection if it is given on entry level but reservation on promotion, it has now become horrible...it has created differences among collegues in a system

Anonymous,  June 13, 2012  

Thanks, at last, Govt. should try to override the Supreme Court rulling.

Anonymous,  August 17, 2012  

though i belongs to a sc community,i strongly support the supreme court`s verdict against ,reservation in promotions.
i believe promotion is a kind of incentive which should be given only to a person who deserves it,rather giving it on the basis of caste.
i also suggest that reservation should be based on economic condition of the candidate only.
this will help in gaining some respect which we(sc/st) are deprived of.

Anonymous,  December 20, 2012  

99% Citizens of India do not know, even if they are S/C's or S/T's ,that why the rservation weas given to the S/C's and S/T's These citizens are advised to carefully study the provisions of articals provided in Constitution of India and to hire a big advocate of the world to understand the these provisons of Indian Constitution, I think that after going through the provisions of the Constitution he will also advise that the reservation should be continued till the total distruction of the caste system ,and this system is only responsible for reservation that were given to the socially and educationlly backward peoples of India who were declared as S/Cs and S/T's. The decision of the Apex court in the case of E.VChinnaiah Appellant v statye of A. and other , respondents Kota Samanth,Appellants v Staqte of A.P.,respondents and others ,respondents, may be referred. Also see the CAD as relied upon in he said case and you will find that reservation is not given to thses citizens as a reward, but was given to them to equalized them with the people of other higher castes so that they may be socially and educationally brought on the same plateform as that of other castes treated higher in the society . Being born in a Brahaman family , in a Indian society is a great reward as he think himselfa superior and also treated a superior in the indian society even if he is totally illitrate ,and knowing nothing .The peoples / Citizens of India also treat him as a superior human being . Till then it is not equalise the reversation should be continued and it should be be even in permotions , the S/C's and S/T,s peoples are not getting permotions as their Annual Confidential Reports are also spoiled and their future is also spoiled by the seniors .